
9/21/2009 09:17:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Three years back this word was a dream for me. When I studied in college (well I still study in college just that it’s a higher step)I told myself that at least once in a life I have to stay out of the house at 12am(no it’s not Gandhi ji concept).This wish was fulfilled when I attended Indian concert in my college. The concert ended late by 11.30 I was still waiting for the bus. I was tensed about receiving scolding from my parents for coming home late while my thoughts were interrupted by this scream “Rika its 12.am!” .My friend was trying to remind me that I achieved my ‘midnight freedom’ sheesh (yea all my friends back than knew how much I wanted this ‘midnight freedom’). When I think of those childish days I just can’t stop laughing now. I remember this incident everyday when I am on the way home late from college. Now almost whole week I reach home close to midnight and this thought of ‘midnight freedom’ don’t excite me anymore.

How Strange that things or thoughts that mean so much to us at point of time doesn’t make a difference anymore.