The weird me!

10/11/2009 08:17:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Finally back after taking a long break. Actually it’s not a break. I am not getting any free time to put my thoughts into words. Work and studies can be hard to handle but truthfully I am enjoying every bit of my bachelor degree till today (it can change once programming subjects are started :) )

Recently I have been noticing some weird habits in me. It’s not I am unaware of those weird habits but just wanted to script it down as my madness is going high each day.

1) I can suddenly feel the craving to eat an item and the craving doesn’t stop until I eat that item at any cost. Let me take you on a ride of few incidents to show how crazy my habit can be. Recently I went for a dentist appointment. The moment I stepped out of the hospital I felt like eating Idli (Indian breakfast). Na the doctor was not Indian; neither the entrance of the hospital reminded me of India. I called up mom and told her that I am coming home in 20 minutes (the hospital was very near to my house) and I want to eat that. So when I went home I actually managed to eat 4 Idlies and on top of that had my regular dinner (ha now I know where all those extra pounds in me are coming from). While I was enjoying my food dad and I had a mini conversation.

Dad: what would have you done if there was no idli flour at home to prepare the item for you

Me (busy eating): oh I would have gone to some restaurant to eat this and come home late

Dad: speechless

This is just one of the recent incidents. Whenever I have craving for some item mom is always there to cook for me (Ha one very good reason why I don’t want to get married and go away from home). Surprisingly nowadays I am craving for Indian food even though I eat just Indian food. This habit is constantly growing as I am craving for more items than before.It includes chicken wings, ice cream and many more. Mom always says that my craving for food is similar to what pregnant women faces haha. I don’t know how pregnant women will crave for food but I have very good story for mom’s reaction.

Maybe in my previously life I was a very bad husband for my pregnant wife. I didn’t buy the food she was craving for and she cursed me that for rest of my life I will go through what pregnant women would feel. Lol my imagination can be very weird just as my habit.

When I was studying 6th or 7th standard my last mamaya’s marriage took place in some town near Karnataka. As usual for wedding the breakfast will be upma(Indian breakfast) as it is easy to make and not many people will eat it :P ( according to my theory ). So I stubbornly refused to eat that breakfast which lead to my attha suggesting I should be taken out to eat idli and of course 1st cousin was my victim as he has to search for a breakfast centre early in the morning. Good old days :)

2) I talk to people only when I LIKE. Yea you heard it right.I talk when I am happy, I talk if my mood is okay and finally I talk if I want to. That’s the reason why I keep quiet when my mood is not right because I am capable of shouting at people without any reason and get back some weird glares from them. I know I am mean but I can’t help it. If my mood if bad I can’t force myself to sound happy I will be talking nicely for a while and immediately my mood can change to worse or vice versa. None of them are spared from this habit of mine: friends, relatives, family and all the dearest ones. Well if you think this mood swings are once in a while …No you are WRONG! I can be very moody person.

No examples given because it happens all the time: P

3) I hate it when people disagree with what I say. Na I am not saying I am always correct and no one can say anything to what I said. What I mean is when I tell something to someone in the end they will tell opposite to what I said.hmm still not clear. This habit comes with an example :) . Once I told a friend how life in Singapore is and after few days told her she tells me how much I am enjoying here. Urghh I already said I don’t so take it as I don’t. This is very weird but this is me… :P

Can’t think of anymore now will continue if there are more in future.

Hats off to w-h-o-e-v-e-r who is going to tolerate this weird girl