Hey You!

11/06/2009 09:22:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Since the day one I knew you and I won’t get along well. I knew nothing will turn out good but I still came to hear you every alternate day because my future is in your hands. How did you fail to realize that your talking just doesn’t make sense? You totally failed to catch my attention. I need two brains during those 3 hrs sessions with you. One brain to understand what you are trying to talk and next one is to figure out what you teach. I won’t call it teaching as you are just reading every bit from the slides. Do you think I take an effort to come to your class after my office hours just to hear you reading from the slides! I can do that at home dude!Day one the session was filled with 40 people and now its day 4 and the number is less than 15 but you will still see me till the end because I have to do this for the sake of my future. I always believed that it’s the student fault not to score well in the subject but now that I encountered you I can definitely say that it can be vice versa also. You entered into my life the day I decided to stop running from fear of programming language. Now I doubt if I can ever get over that but I won’t accept the defeat. Will put in my 200% effort for this subject and prove myself wrong!.I will remember what my bro said " The more you run the more you come across it". Ya it's time to face it.

This post is a result of my frustation on my programming subject teacher.

You don’t teach urghh, You don’t give examples double urghh and you don’t understand my questions!. Triple Urghhhhh.