Incredible India!

1/23/2010 11:47:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Finally I am back home (3 weeks ago). Yea Singapore became my home and India is my visiting place. I am a confused creature in this matter. India has my roots and Singapore has my livelihood. I can never take on any one side.

I would say the two weeks trip was worth my effort. Life in India and Singapore is similar yet poles apart. Similar as days are shorter and nights are even shorter equally but the feeling I went through in two places is diverse. My first encounter of motherland happened in Chennai. Had high expectations from one of India’s metropolitan city but I would say the impression Chennai has given me was purely disappointing. The international airport is not anywhere near to the international standards. It has not lived up to its name. Traffic in Indian cities truly amazes me. Now I am a not typical NRI in this matter who complains about India traffic and population but being lived in Singapore where even pressing horn is considered rude on the road, it was a different experience on Hyderabad roads. Life in Hyderabad is truly marvelous. People are very fashionable and their life’s revolve around enjoyment. I had my share of fun too. Had amazing bike rides and tasted my favourite pani puri in true hyderabadi style.

Right from the thrilling railway journey to my hometown, bus journeys to different places, having desi food in the road side stalls, doing the real shopping, meeting best buddies to enjoying with relatives I enjoyed every moment even though I had equal share of anger and sadness. Surprisingly my anger level goes up when I am in India. Not sure if it’s due to the different mind set of mine and the people back home or is it purely me.

I didn’t feel the presence of being in India neither when I landed in Chennai airport nor when I am out of the airport. That’s when I knew I need the real desi masala to feel the presence.

Came across celebrities banners along the road endorsing for various brands. You will find everything under the sun: Right from Aishwarya’s lux soap ad to cute maddy’s univercell poster. This is when I knew I am in India.

People have born talent to bargain for everything. Right from expensive clothes to auto rides. Being very bad in this I find it amazing when it was a piece of cake for people around me.

Seeing pedestrians forming their own zebra crossing by holding hands while crossing the roads, hearing relatives complaining that I am extremely thin and looks like African malnutrition kid I knew I am in my India.

I am always back in Singapore with lots of disappointed. Purely because I don’t get or not given chance to spend time with my friends. It’s been ages since I had peaceful enjoyable outing with them. I miss them so much and I hope I will break out of those rules one day.

India shall always be my incredible India and a place where I eventually belong.