Jadoo ki SMILE

1/20/2010 05:54:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Back to my blog after a long break with confused and pissed mind. Typing this as “quit playing games with my heart” by backstreet boys is being played in my office radio. Appropriate song for this post I guess.

Why do we care for a people who don’t care for us and why do we tend to get worried by people who exist in our life just to make our life more complicated? Why doesn’t heart and mind get along well? Well only mind thinks. The stupidest dum heart refuses to think. It only FEELS every moment of our life.

I always wondered if prioritizing a person in our life is worth the effort but now I am much clearer about it. Nothing is worth the value of your self-respect. We let others control our happiness and sadness. We compromise for the most serious issues in life despite of knowing that we are not wrong. We hang on to the hope that everything will be alright and later we realize that nothing will be same ever again. We assume there is only a dead end to our destination while all we need is to break out from that bloody blind folded mind and come across a new path for our journey.

As I walked into the office today with a disturb-me-not expression the cleaner aunty brightly greeted me with a wonderful good morning. Of course I greeted her back from the bottom of my heart but I started to think about what happened. The aunt is around 60yrs old, she does a very hard job and moreover it’s 8.30am in the morning. What made her look so refreshing and enthusiastic? I greet her everyday but today she took the initiative to do that and it really touched my heart.
Sometimes all we need is a stranger to bring out the smile within us. I wish someone can give me a “Jadoo ki jhappi” now. Maybe that will help.

I miss my four friends...Guys you are missed by me...

Guess I need some yoga classes...?????It’s time I control my temper. My poor nails are totally dead by their hot tempered owner.