Suffocating N R I

9/03/2009 03:32:00 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

8 yrs back I used to hear this “Heard India is a village and there is no electricity there"

sheesh..... My mind voice would be going this way “Oh what is electricity? We survive using candles whole life!!!!"

Currently I hear this “Oh Indian software professionals are cheap labor"

But this time it’s not my mind voice that stands up for India. It’s my LOUD voice which says “No they earn lot more than what locals earn here!”

YES Sagarika ! shabash! Good improvement

Putting the jokes aside it really shocks me about the way people think about the world's second largest population country. This incident reminded me of namaste london scene where Akshay plays a defensive Indian role in kartina's engagement function.

Here it is my part as a defensive Indian.

Ya it’s true that our roads are very bad and we don't follow traffic rules but we invented the world's cheapest car. Ya it’s true that we have crazy summer seasons that our people die of hunger and our homes are flooded during rainy seasons but we know how to get back on our feet . Ya it’s true our people encounter bombs everyday as you all encounter rains but we knew how to get back on our feet after our Mumbai terrorist attacks (Taj hotel was re-opened within a week from the blasting). Ya we have stressful education system that students study more than 19 hours a day without having any leisure time for sports but we have the great institutes like IIT and BITS and of course we have CRICKET. Ya we accept our politicians just do business with their positions but among the thorns we have roses like our President Dr Abdul Kalam who is a nuclear scientist. Ya our students only know one field of study ‘Computer Science’ but isn’t we are most wanted by powerful countries like US. Ya agree that our people die of hunger despite of being a country which provides exports to almost every country in the world but atleast we produce our own food for our people.

No country No Person is perfect. We may not be perfect but we are incredible. Are you?


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September 7, 2009 at 4:46 PM delete

India is not second largest country:P
Its second populous country..

August 28, 2010 at 12:16 AM delete

i think,if we just bring out black money which our politican;s r storeing in swiss account;s, den our whole india will b blessed!!! u now wht,we can pay off our world bank debt too, & evn can b given 1 lakh per head on free basis!!!(for poor people), i read dat aritcle, on blackmoney of our politican;s, so,,,who said, india is a poor counrty, we jsut need sum real sincere & honest politican;s or officer;s to do this thing!! but i am 100% sure, it;ll never evr happen, & our india will b like this for another 50 yr;s,i guess, but ,still we love our country wht it it!!! but only 1 thing really really terrfies me, may b in coming 10 or 20 yr;s, we may loose somuch fertile lands because of d current position;s, so guess evn we may have to import food in nearby future!!! but still we love india but it;s hard to say!!!
