Mixed cuisines

8/01/2009 09:50:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Group of people from various parts of the world gathered in the border of singapore with various wishes, desires and habits. Each of them reveled their food habits. Lets consider them as A , B , C ,D and E .

The conversation went this way

A : I had turtile soup, shark fin soup, Deer meat, Snake blood, Rabbit meat
B : oh ya I ate them too and I even had live octopus , frog legs ( oh you got to try it. Very yummy food)
C : why not try monkey head heard it is popular in this particular country
D: So what have your tried till now?
E : hmmmm ... chicken? and now i am vegeterain.
A,B,C,D: OMG dont tell me!

E is Sagarika :(
Where did I land myself in yaar...After hearing all this I came to an conclusion that human didn't try one thing that is eating another human or maybe even that is done when human was transformed from an animal.
