My Shadow

5/25/2010 12:00:00 AM 3 Comments A+ a-

HE is

Someone who means the world to me

Someone who is genuine in every way

Someone who easily finds out every mistake (big and small) of mine

Someone who controls me when I am going out of control

Someone who gives me everything without expecting anything in return

Someone who is solely responsible for what I am learning today

Someone who irritates the hell out of me

Someone who amazes me with his intelligence and determination

Someone who makes me feel lonely without his presence

Someone who is capable of being Himesh’s successor but his singing brings a smile on my face

Someone who has a damn good dressing sense but never gets compliments from me :P

Someone who has more country stamps on his passport than mine :(

Someone who is in search of new hobbies and knowledge constantly

Someone who enjoyed the beauty of this world 1 year more than me

and HE is

Someone who has a sweet sis like me :P

My sweet, handsome and idotic bro has turned 24 today. Happy Birthday bhaiya ..Love you lots. You mean so much to me. Stay smart , intelligent and please learn some singing haha... No matter how grown up  I am, I always need your guidance and strict discipline...Keep that going :P .. Let me always be your little sis who learnt directions by following your footsteps .

My fav pic with bro. Taken during our 1st diwali celebrations in Singapore


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May 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM delete

That was such a sweet dedication! :) Loved the pic! Happy birthday to your bro!

May 28, 2010 at 4:30 PM delete

@Dhanya: thanks ya :)...sure will pass the wishes to him..

June 25, 2010 at 8:31 PM delete

awwwww...sooo swtttt. thanku thanku..
and I am Himesh ok...I sing beter...
