Raksha Bandan

8/06/2009 05:29:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Raksha bandan was always a festival of fun. Still remember every year on this day in india mom use to let us take pics of me and brother. Kids from our street will come to our house and see me and bro taking pics and of course the best part is getting money from bro. Just a small difference is that those days it was mom's money as gift but now its my bro's own hard earned money. I like that :). For 6 yrs i couldn't tie raki for him and I hated that.

As every sister says that her bro is the best. So do I. My bro might not be reading this but if he reads i just want him to knw this.

"bro your sis is no more the small childhish silly girl who troubles everyone with her stupid behaviour. She has grown up together with her mistakes and lessons learnt in life. Promise you that i won't do anything that will cause problems to our family. Hope you can trust me on that. You are the best"

PS: just a small wish. Hope to tie raki to bro every year from any corner of the world.
